Sporting Carnivals
Continuing on from our Physical Education Program we hold and participate in a range of sporting carnivals throughout the year. These allow the students to work in team and individual sports and earn points for their participation for their house team.
AWPS annually hold a Swimming Carnival for students in the 3- 6 Learning Community, Athletics Carnival for the Whole- School and a Cross- Country Carnival for students in the 3 - 6 Learning Community.
Students also compete in an Inter-schools Winter Carnival in the sports of Football, Netball and Soccer.
These are great opportunities for our students to showcase their teamwork and positive sportsmanship. It is pleasing to see from these opportunities our students also get the opportunity to compete at the next stages of competition, including regional, state and national competitions.
Many thanks must go to our community volunteers who help support the smooth running of theses events.